
Support for living Your best
gluten-free Life

Gluten Freedom Nutrition

Alexa is a Registered Dietitian licensed in the states of North Carolina and Illinois. Alexa combines her personal experience with Celiac Disease with her education to support people with Celiac Disease and other medically necessary gluten-free diets. Alexa believes that living a gluten-free life does not have to hold you back and with the right knowledge and support you too can live your best gluten-free life. 

A Dietitian Specializing in Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free Living

about us

Alexa is committed to supporting the gluten-free community as best as possible. So often people in the gluten-free community are told to go gluten-free with little to no support. Alexa plans to offer support in multiple formats to make her services as accessible as possible. Currently, Alexa is working on creating a self paced Celiac Course. Be the first to know when this course comes out by signing up for the email list! 

Are You Ready to Live Your Best Gluten-Free Life?

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Get started on your gluten-free journey with these PDF guides.  
