At Gluten Freedom Nutrition we believe in the Anti-Diet Framework. We believe that nutrition care, and healthcare more broadly should be free of shame and harm. And you may be asking yourself how can an Anti-Diet Framework and a Gluten-Free diet for specific medical conditions coexist and that is a great question. The gluten-free diet for Celiac Disease and some other medical conditions is considered to be a medical therapy. It is a treatment for a disease, and as of now, the only treatment option for Celiac Disease. There is no cure for Celiac Disease at this time. Following a gluten-free diet for Celiac Disease is about managing the disease, it is not about changing your weight or body. At Gluten Freedom Nutrition we will never ever promote fad diets. And we hope through working with us you can develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.
2022 Master of Public Health in Nutrition and Dietetics from UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
2018 Bachelor of Science in Biology with minor in Public Health from The Ohio State University
Alexa is a Registered Dietitian licensed in the state of North Carolina. Alexa combines her personal experience with Celiac Disease with her education to support people with Celiac Disease and other medically necessary gluten-free diets. Alexa believes that living a gluten-free life does not have to hold you back and with the right knowledge and support you too can live your best, most authentic gluten-free life.
The internet is vast and there are so many people out there sharing their opinions, and information on how they live their gluten-free lives. And most of them are doing it because they have struggled at one point or another and they truly want to help others. But there are also people out there fear mongering, sharing misinformation, selling a "cure" or product, and doing more harm than good in the Celiac and gluten-free communities. As a registered dietitian specializing in Celiac Disease and medically necessary gluten-free diets, I will offer the most up to date information and empower you to make the decisions that best support you in your life.
If you're here and have never heard of a registered dietitian don't feel bad, I didn't know about the profession until I was late in my undergrad career. But let me share some information about the profession. Registered dietitians are highly trained nutrition professionals. To become a registered dietitian, or RD for short, a person must sit for a national exam. The requirements to sit for the exam include a minimum of a bachelor's degree and over 1000 hours of internship in various settings. Throughout their training students are taught many things, but in my opinion one of the most important is critical thinking to keep up with and understand nutrition research. Registered dietitians also must continue to learn through required continuing education hours. All of these requirements are put into place to have professionals providing the best nutrition care possible.
By working with me, a registered dietitian, you will gain the knowledge necessary to thrive in your life with Celiac Disease. You'll know how to feel confident in choosing gluten-free foods to eat without limiting yourself more than necessary. You'll feel confident in asking for what you need knowing that asking for what you need doesn't make you "needy" or "too much". So are you ready to dive in? Ready to feel empowered and live out your best, most authentic gluten-free life?